Reporting Safeguarding & Welfare Concerns

Bartestree FC Reporting Safeguarding and Welfare Concerns

Bartestree FC Welfare Officers:

Fiona Matthews and Harry Hopkins (07974 008595)


County Designated Safeguarding Officer:     



Non-immediate risk of harm, or concerns of poor practice can be reported to the Club Welfare Officer or County Designated Welfare Officer.

Any urgent concern where there may be an immediate risk of harm to a child must be reported to the Police or Children’s Social Care:

Herefordshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub – 01432 260800

Police – 101

The NSPCC also has a 24hr helpline which can offer further advice if Club or County Welfare staff are unavailable:

NSPCC – 0808 800 5000

 If the Club or County Welfare Staff are not dealing with concerns adequately, The FA can be contacted directly:

The FA Safeguarding –

 If there are concerns that someone may be behaving inappropriately or seeking to groom a child in an online environment, these can be reported to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection:

Child Exploitation and Online Protection –

If a child or young person is in immediate danger, call 999 and ask for the Police


In a safeguarding context, whistleblowing means revealing and raising concerns over misconduct or malpractice within an organisation, or within an independent structure associate with it.

It can be used as an early warning system or when it’s recognised that appropriate actions have not been taken.

The above contact details can be used to report any concerns about a young person’s safety or welfare.